Citation guide for CEN and EN standards

Cite CEN and EN standards


  • CEN - European Committee for Standardization

CEN/TR 15214-1:2006
  • EN - European Standard

EN 2100:1992
  • ENV - European Prestandard

ENV 1613:1995
  • CWA - CEN Workshop Agreement

CWA 14050-21:2000
  • HD - Harmonization Document

HD 1215-2:1988
  • CR - CEN Report

CR 12101-5:2000


  • ISO - International Organization for Standardization

EN ISO 1833-10:2019
  • IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

EN IEC 60076-22-8:2021
EN ISO/IEC 10373:1995
  • ISP - International Standard Profiles

EN ISP 10607-1:1993


  • TR - Technical Report

CEN/TR 15214-1:2006
  • TS - Technical Specification

CEN/TS 12007-6:2021
CEN ISO/TS 12180-1:2007