Citation guide for BIPM resources

Cite BIPM Metrologia, SI Brochure, and Outcomes

SI Brochure

  • The International System of Units (SI)

BIPM SI Brochure
  • Historical notes on the development of the International System of Units

BIPM SI Brochure, Appendix 4


Use the following format to cite Metrologia articles:


  • {JOURNAL} - journal number, optional

  • {VOLUME} - volume number, optional

  • {ISSUE} - issue number, optional


BIPM Metrologia
BIPM Metrologia 15
BIPM Metrologia 55 5


Basic pattern

{group name} -- {type} {number} ({year})
{group name} {type} {number} ({year})
{group name} {type} {year}-{zero_leading_number}

{group name} -- {type-abbrev} {number} ({year}, {lang})
{group name} {type-abbrev} {number} ({year}, {lang})
  • group name - a name of the group, required. A full list of group names is available here.

  • type - type of document, required. A list of types is: Resolution (Résolution), Recommendation (Recommandation), Decision (Décision), Meeting (Réunion), Declaration (Déclaration).

  • type-abbrev - abbreviation of the type, required. A list of abbreviations: RES (Resolution), REC (Recommendation), DECN (Decision).

  • number - number of the document, optional. Can be with part, e.g. 1-2.

  • zero_leading_number - number of the document with a leading zero, required. Can be used when a document has a 1 or 2 digits number. It’s 00 for documents without a number.

  • year - year of the document, optional.

  • lang - language of the document, optional. Can be EN or FR.

Special case pattern

The basic pattern works fine for all, except for these 2 cases:

  • Decisions of the CIPM (since 2012)

  • Recommendations/Resolutions/Decisions of the JCRB

Where the committee name is part of the outcome identifier.

Special cases:

Decision CIPM/111-10 (2022) / Décision CIPM/111-10 (2022)
Recommendation JCRB/43-1 (2021) / Recommandation JCRB/43-1 (2021)

Single language version (English)

type can be:

  • Resolution (RES)

  • Recommendation (REC)

  • Decision (DECN)

  • Statement (DECL)


CCTF -- Recommendation 2 (1970)
CCTF -- REC 2 (1970, EN)

Special cases:

Decision CIPM/111-10 (2022)
CIPM DECN CIPM/111-10 (2022, EN)
Recommendation JCRB/43-1 (2021)
JCRB REC JCRB/43-1 (2021, EN)

Single language version (French)

type can be:

  • Résolution (RES)

  • Recommandation (REC)

  • Décision (DECN)

  • Déclaration (DECL)


CCTF -- Recommandation 2 (1970)
CCTF -- REC 2 (1970, FR)

Special cases:

Décision CIPM/111-10 (2022)
CIPM DECN CIPM/111-10 (2022, FR)
Recommandation JCRB/43-1 (2021)
JCRB REC JCRB/43-1 (2021, FR)

Dual language version (language independent version)

type can be in their respective languages or the following abbreviations:

  • RES

  • REC

  • DECN

  • DECL

CCTF -- Recommandation 2 (1970) / Recommendation 2 (1970)
CCTF REC 2 (1970)

Special cases:

Decision CIPM/110-10 (2022) / Décision CIPM/111-10 (2022)
CIPM DECN CIPM/110-10 (2022)
Recommendation JCRB/43-1 (2021) / Recommandation JCRB/43-1 (2021)
JCRB REC JCRB/43-1 (2021)